Before & After

Powder Room Heaven
Jan 19, 2011

In less than three weeks, we took our powder room from looking like this:

to looking like this:

Check out more pictures and read all about this project here.

  Why Don't You Stay the Night
Oct. 2010

Sometimes I wish the guest bedroom was my bedroom.   I love the transformation this room encountered.  It's such a great before and after- for me.  This room gets so much light and the Valspar Lake Country blue couldn't be more perfect.  Here's the before....

Big smile.  This is the refreshing, fun, young love feel and totally crisp bedroom after...

I found this poster bed at one of my favorite thrift stores.  To read more about this find and see what the bed looked like when I brought it home, check out Poster Bed Find.

Kitchen Makeover
Sept. 1, 2010

Yikes! It's hard to believe that this was our kitchen one year ago. When we bought our town house this is exactly what it looked like- the horrible border, two layers of caked-on wallpaper (hard to see in pics), 21 year-old blinds, stale cabinets, and oh yeah, the gi-NORMOUS light fixture. How can you miss that thing?

And here is how our kitchen looks today!

To see more pictures and for more information on our kitchen project, click here.

Poster Bed Find
Aug. 31, 2010



To see all the pictures for this project, click here.

Dresser and Nightstand

In just one weekend....

We turned this....

into this!!! 

For the full low down on how we transformed these pieces, click here.

Now That's a Stinky Job

In just eight nights, my husband and I completely transformed our spare bath.  

Here's our bathroom on Dec. 21, 2009:

And here's what the bathroom looked like on Dec. 29, 2009:

To see additional pictures and read more about this project, click here.


  1. Totally gorgeous girl, how proud are you ? That is some excellent DIY, what a great find ! Thanks so much for the linky love.

    Cheers to even more home improvement !


  2. PS. You need to ship me that lucite coffee table because I want it. Bad.


  3. Wow great job!! My husband and I just bought our first condo together, and this is extremely inspiring!

    Thank you!


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