Nov 3, 2010

Thoughts on Picture Collage

After playing around with a couple options for how to hang these pictures, I (with your helpful input) decided to go with option #2.  And here it is...

Rob suggested I space the pictures a bit more. At first I didn't want to listen to him because I spent alot of time hanging them, but I think he may be right. Ugh. Also, I think I should move the entire collage up several inches so that the picture on the very bottom isn't so close to the chair rail.

In case you haven't noticed, there's seven frames hanging without pictures. I'll fill them soon. For now, they needed to be hung as place holders.

Here's a white pigeon I threw into the mix of the collage.  I honestly have no clue what kind of bird this is. 

This is when I'll defer to you again.  Do you think Rob's right about spacing the pictures more?  Should I raise the entire collage away from the chair rail?  And my mystery I nuts?


  1. I like the layout, but I agree that they need to be spaced out more =]

  2. I think the spacing may be a good idea. Yes, move it all up a little. And I think the bird is the best part! The whole thing looks great! You have inspired me to get mine up :)

  3. I LOVE the picture arrangement! So cool! I really need to get out of my matchy-matchy decor rut and spice things up a bit. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Maybe there's a way around moving the WHOLE arrangement up like you're thinking. I personally think the other pictures on the bottom row aren't too low, just the middle one. Maybe you can swap out this picture with one of the other smaller ones from somewhere else?

    Just my personal opinion. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  5. Need to raise them, yes. Need to space them more, especially the second row - maybe get rid of a frame. Great look. I also think it is fun to get the letter of your last name and add it instead of a frame.

  6. I have to agree with your husband, I think they're too close and that the bottom picture should be moved up. I love the collage itself and I love the bird!

  7. Your picture wall looks great!

    I've been planning one in my head for my living room, but haven't finalized it yet. I don't know where to start!

    Lovely blog!

  8. I don't think the spacing is bad, but you could move that particular entire row up a smidge and it would still look great! GREAT job by the way!

  9. Sorry -- but I think it does need more space AND moved up. :-( I know what a horrible job that will be, but it will be amazing when it's done! Good luck.

  10. I love picture collages. I plan on doing one in my living room, but it's so intimidating. I think it's hard to get them all to look good together without being all symmetrical and boring. I think you've done a great job, though I think I agree with moving it up a bit.

  11. is it a partridge or something? i think spacing a bit and moving a bit up on the wall would be good.

  12. The spacing seems ok, more space seems like it would be fine too. I definitely think it needs to be moved UP though.

  13. I think if this is all the frames you are going to add... I hate to agree, but the hub's is right, it would look better a little higher. I love the way it looks though! And I love the mystery bird, ha!

  14. Wow! Thanks to all you lovely ladies for the suggestions. Overwhelmingly, it seems that the consensus is to space the collage out more and move up off the chair rail.

    I didn't expect this much feedback - this is awesome! With you all helping me, my decision is obvious, and so easy!!

    I'll rework the collage and post new pictures soon!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  15. I just did a similar collage on my wall. I cut out butcher paper in each size and taped them up, then repositioned them before getting the hammer out. It was tedious but it helped.

  16. Hey girl, I've been getting lost in your blog, its so fun. I love how you decorate, and of course shop, totally my kind of gal, you kick ass, he he.

    I'm so stoked I found you. :)



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