Nov 2, 2010

Budget Love - Pair of Lamps

Can I just tell you how long I've been searching for two of the same lamps that were VERY cheap and had fabulous potential with the right amount of TLC and DIY elbow grease? Like...for months.

I popped into Impact thrift store today, which I try to do a couple times a week, and saw these tall and slender guys.

At first, I spent a couple of seconds inspecting them.  The price made me instantly happy but I wasn't 150% sure I had to have them- so I walked away and continued to look around. But then, I happened to look over my shoulder, back in the direction of where the lamps were, and I thought I saw a young fellow (about my age) staring the lamps down - as if he liked them. Well, the thought of someone else snagging those lights sort of ticked me off...and that's when I realized I had to have them.   

So, like any calm, cool, and collected person would do, I went back and snatched them up fast. That young fellow thought I was crazy, I'm sure of it.

The lamps will reside on both ends of my credenza. Perfect for providing extra light onto my picture collage for added emphasis.

And the price?  Cha-ching!!!!!  Once again, my budget loves me.


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with them. They definitely have potential!

  2. Those lamps are great. And what a steal! I'm looking forward to see what you decide to do with them.

    Jayme @

  3. So been there, I know that dresful feeling when the thing you weren't sure you really wanted, might go to someone else, shoot, just the thought makes me go snatch it up, just because. How dare, someone else, go get MY stuff, he he.
    Want to see what you do with these!!

    bella :)


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