Sep 26, 2010

Long Time No Post

It's been several weeks since I've posted something new.  I like to write about projects I've completed.

My husband told me last week that I have too many "projects" going on at once.  He said, "You need to finish one thing before starting another."  And you know what?  He couldn't be more right.

See, the thing with me is that I get so exicted over DIY projects and as soon as I get a good idea in my head I want to execute it immediately.  To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, the projects I'm currently working on include painting curtains for my guest bedroom, refinishing a credenza, creating a picture collage in my living room, designing our office (which is a hundred little projects in itself) and giving all of the doors in our town house a fresh coat of paint.  Phew!  I's a bit ambitious.  So, since my husband's eye-opening comment, I've prioritized my projects and promised my hubby to finish one thing before starting another.

In the meantime, here's a few pictures of what I've been up to.

I purchased this votive and red candle at a thrift store- all for $1.50.  The red berries are from the tree in my front yard.  This adorable little decoration is so cute on our dining room table.

Rob took this picture of me on Friday.  I was in the midst of organizing my picture collage for our living room wall.  [can you see my blue credenza-gone-wrong on the right?  I know...yuck!]
This is one of the curtain panels that I'm painting for the guest bedroom. 
I've decided to spray the credenza with a white HI-GLOSS Laminate spray by Valspar.  I painted the first coat this morning.  Just two more coats to go....

Rob and I hung the mirror and picture yesterday. I've had this mirror since I was 14 and it's one of my favorite things that we have. The mirror has been leaning against a wall in our bedroom since we moved in because I wasn't sure where I wanted to hang it. I decided yesterday, with Rob's help, that it would look fabulous in the dining room. I snagged the picture on the wall at HomeGoods yesterday.

I also snagged these lovely little shevles at HomeGoods yesterday. I need to decide on something AWESOME to put on the shelves.

This is a picture of our office, which we've since finished painting.  [I normally don't use painters tape but Rob was painting that section so the tape was absolutely necessary.] 


  1. Looks great Rachel! It's so funny, I have that blue and green framed picture that's in your dining room!

  2. You are one busy lady! I love the way the curtains are looking, can't wait to see how they will turn out!

  3. Found you on Tatertots and Jello... I am your newest follower. LOVE your ideas :)


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