Sep 7, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Hello.  I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend and enjoyed nice weather, good food, great company and a bit of relaxation.  I had a great weekend!  Just one small credenza DIY project went seriously wrong on Saturday and it bummed me out. 

I was hoping to share before and after pictures with you today but I'm sorry to say that I cannot.  It turned out that the paint color I chose, it was one of five different samples I purchased and one that I stared at for days and even studied in different lighting, was disgustingly yucky.  It reminded me of some sort of robin's egg blue gone bad.  Ugh. 

Once my depression passed from the DIY project gone wrong I headed to the beach for the day on Sunday with some friends (it was the first time my toes hit the sand all summer) and managed to take fun pictures that I may include in a picture collage.  Yesterday, I focused my bulit-up DIY energy on my office makeover.  So, even though my credenza project took a back seat for the time being, I'm happy that I worked on the office and captured some awesome pictures. 

Here are some of the pictures I took.  Have a great night!


  1. Those are so great! Good artistic eye!

  2. Hi sweetie!! I recently won the Versatile Blogger award and really wanted to pass it on to your lovely self :0) You can get the button from my blog, upload it and if you'd like post an entry similar to mine. I really do adore your blog! Michelle


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