Aug 31, 2010

Poster Bed Find

This may sound weird to a non-DIYer...but this poster bed find made my year! 

I consider myself lucky for two reasons.  One, because yours truly actually stumbled across this.  And two, I found this ON MY LUNCH BREAK!!!  I know, I're jealous :)~  I rarely leave the office on my lunch break so I consisder myself super special.

When I laid eyes on this bed I would have bet money that someone else had already bought it.  I thought to myself, "There's NO WAY that bad boy hasn't been purchased yet.  It's waaay to special!"  It was sort of off to the side too- almost as if someone had intentionally tried to keep it out of eye sight.  Well my friends, I scored this beauty for $54 buckaroos.  I know, I hate me!

Here's the poster bed at Impact Thrift Store at the time it caught my eyes.  It's hard to tell from this picture but the bed was actually off to the side a ways- seperated from the other bedroom furniture.

At first, I debated painting the bed becase the wood was in such great condition and had so much shine.
Here's the bed  when we got it home.  I had to go back to the thrift store with Rob and pick it up several days after I purchased it because it wouldn't fit into my teeny car.

This is the bed after one coat of paint.  I'd like to apologize for the awful cellphone picture quality.  As I mentioned somewhere on my blog before, at the time I started alot of my DIY projects I didn't know I'd be blogging about them today- otherwise I'd have nicer pics to share :)

 To check out the poster bed, in its finished glory, click here and scroll down.

Rob and I sanded the poster bed with a medium coarse sandpaper until the surface was roughed up pretty well. Then, we used a finer sandpaper to smooth out the wood surfaces. Finally, I painted the poster bed with a black semi-gloss paint. I wanted the bed to really look nice and thought that by using a paint with some shine would do the trick.

When I bought this bed I was so excited I didn't realize that the bed frame was sold separately.  I snagged a frame at the same thrift store for $10.00.  All said and done, our guest poster bed only put us back $97 with materials.  Actually, that's way ahead in my book- my budget loves me!!! 
Not too shabby, right? I hope you like.



  1. You are one lucky girl - that bed is such an amazing find! The work you put into it makes it so awesome!

  2. Oh I LOVE black bedroom furniture. Our masterbedroom is all balck right now too....although I am on the hunt for a new King size headboard and footboard since we will be upgrading soon :0)

  3. ohhh I love the black!! Mitchell Gold furniture has a lovely 4 poster in black and this totally reminds me of it!! Nice work!!

  4. What an awesome find! Congrats congrats! Love that I've chanced upon your blog---full of DIY goodness, I can tell already!

  5. Love it. What brand of paint did you use?

  6. I have been wanting to paint my bed and you are giving me the courage to do it!

    Love how it turned out!

  7. You did a fabulous job! I love the Audrey picture I spy on your wall, too!

  8. Here I am...lazily scrolling through posts, getting inspiration to finish our 1/2 bath makeover (redoing our entire house within 5 months before we have to move), and I came across your bath reno on T&J. Love the bath.

    So I check out before and after posts...your guest bedroom literally made me gasp! I am in LOVE! Audrey! Black furniture! Blue walls! White Bedding! Accent pillow! Stenciled window panels! You had me at Audrey, but mostly you may just be my new inspiration bff. ;)

    Just became a follower. Excited to see what else you come up with!



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