Jul 25, 2010

Backyard Bliss

I'm happy to tell you that I have crossed off an item from my On the Radar list.  Yippee!!  Woo to the hoo, hoo, hoo!!!  Now - don't think I've been slacking - I know it's been awhile since I've written about a new project.  I promise I've been busy working on four projects at once...I should be writing about them soon enough!

At the time we purchased our townhouse (almost a year ago) I didn't think there was a better feeling than that of having a love nest to call my own - well, "our" own!  I've since discovered there are better feelings than that of owning a home.  It's those moments when I sit back and enjoy the hard work we've put into our space. I love the feeling when I'm sitting on my back porch sippin' Pineapple Mojitos made with fresh mint picked from my very first garden, while Rob fires up the grill and fills the air with the essence of BBQ deliciousness and I stare proudly at my beautiful flowers and garden beds we worked so hard to make pretty.  Now that is a great feeling! 

Let me share with you how we transformed our backyard from blah to bliss. 


Did you notice we did some serious power washin' to the fence and applied wood stain? The pictures just don't do justice. Our neighbors loved how much we transformed our space so they also power washed and stained their fence too!

I'm pretty sure there was 23 years of grit, grim and mildew caked to the fence.



I have to throw at least one Roxy girl picture into the mix...

This area (pictured below) was constantly muddy because the drainage piping was laid poorly...it drove us crazy! So much so that one day on a wimb Rob decided to dig a trench across the yard. He put PVC in the trench and ran it down our yard into the wooded area. Now, when it rains, the water flows into the woods. No more swampy wet lands thanks to my handyman.
Really something, huh?

Below, aside from the grass still growing and staining the fence, this side of the backyard is a wrap.

Check out these beauties...right in my back yard.


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