Feb 23, 2011

Updating a Fireplace

I recently wrote about what I was planning to paint with the Minwax Wood Stain I have left over from our powder room makeover.  One of the items on my list was a trash picked Poang Ikea chair that I couldn't wait to spruce up - check it out here

Rob had the fan-tabulous idea of staining the mantle above the fireplace.  Since our dated mantle made me feel so empty inside, I jumped right on that project. 

Fireplace mantle before the wood stain:

Fireplace mantle after the wood stain was applied:

Much better.  Wouldn't you agree?  But there's still something missing.  I think we need to add a focal point to the wall - the fireplace as is and the wood stain (as nice as it came out) just isn't enough.  We're going to add a backsplash around the fireplace - YIPPEE! 

Ok, don't laugh.  This is my attempt to edit a photo, which I have no experience in.  I totally used Microsoft's "Paint," ha! I can only imagine how wonderful Photoshop is. 

This is where I need your help.  We're going to add a backsplash around the fireplace, as shown in the image above, but we're having a hard time chosing the right tile.  Please help!

We've narrowed it down to four choices.  And here they are...





I'm really excited about this project beacause it's a super easy one that will make a big impact in our family room.  We want to chose a backsplash we'll love for years to come and something that will look amazing!!! 

So let 'er rip.  What do you think?


  1. I personally enjoy number 2! Wish you luck!

  2. #2! I just used those same tiles in my kitchen(in a differet color) ...I love them and they are SUPER easy to work with!

  3. I like all but #2. Numero Uno is my fav though.

  4. the first one is strange...

  5. I like 2 and four, but it is hard to judge because I have no idea what the rest of your house looks like.

  6. I like #1 - but I'm strange!

  7. #2 for sure

  8. #1! I love the interesting long horizontal tiles. Color's perfect too.

  9. I love #1, It looks fantastic

  10. Ok, devil's advocate here...I think all the tiles are too small. I would suggest more subway tile size with the colour combo in Choice #2.


Your comments are super encouraging and so much fun to read. Thank you for stopping by!