Feb 19, 2011

Dinner Party

Wow.  It's been too long since I've blogged about my projects.  I've had a crazy couple of weeks. My prego lil' sis (whos baby shower I held at my home) is moving to FL on Monday so I've been trying to spend all of my time with her before she leaves.

Speaking of which, I cooked a Thanksgiving-style dinner last Saturday for some close family members so that we could all wish my sister well before her relocation to FL.

Dinner was soo delish!  And the table looked stunning! I took some images so that I could share with you just how pretty it all looked. 

Check it out...

All the candles on the table were purchased at thrift stores and estate sales.

These flowers were amazing. The purple flowers tied in the purple chaise lounge really well.

I made these name tags in just a couple of minutes with scrap paper and wine corks thatI had lying around.

My mother-in-law bought these antique salt bowls for me.  I love them!  You're supposed to have one for each setting at your table, and I think they're only supposed to be used for salt - but I like using them for salt AND pepper :)

The table runner has a gorgeous blue and green flower pattern on it. 

Don't you just love the gold detail on the antique salt bowls?

Just for fun, I weaved this flower streamer through the light fixture above the dining table. 


  1. The table DID look stunning. Nice work!

  2. I love the colors you used. The table definitely looks inviting and ready for spring!

  3. Very nice pictures, thanks for sharing.

  4. The use of corkscrews as place holders Fab! Who would have thunk it Everything was beautiful!


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