Jan 23, 2011

Street Cred

Apartment Therapy is hosting an online contest, The Homies:  Best Design Blog of 2011, dedicated to celebrating the "best new home design blogs" and the "richness and awesomeness of shelter bloggers."  That's me! 

I'm an amateur blogger who started First Home Makeover in February 2010.  I love my home, writing about the projects we've tackled and taking you along on our home improvement journey. 

Here we are.  Two ambitious newlyweds.  Ready to tackle any project that gets in the way of our vision for a kick-ass home.  Watch it now.

You know what they say, "Think BIG!"  These words are important:  "Believe that you have it, and you have it."  I'm thinking big right now and it's worth a try for a shot at being the "Best Design Blog of 2011." 

If you'd like to help me get more street cred in the blogging areana, you can nominate this site by  going to The Homies:  Best Design Blog of 2011 and entering First Home Makeover and the URL in the "comments" field at the bottom of the page.  And heck, while you're at it, you can help all your favorite bloggers gain street cred by nominating them too.

Here's to thinking big.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. hi rachel,

    i love your blog! you are so creative! i'm following you too... told ya i would!!

    ok, time to nominate!



Your comments are super encouraging and so much fun to read. Thank you for stopping by!