Dec 28, 2010

Easy Gift Idea

This Christmas, I had no idea what to get for my boss and a co-worker.  I didn't want to spend a lot of money but I definitely wanted to make a big impact.  

I came up with the idea to paint clay pots with the left over chalkboard paint I had from this project.  And what could be more perfect to put in the clay pots at this time of year than Poinsettias?  

Luckily, the chalkboard paint drys super fast, so I was able to slap two coats of paint on each pot in under a half hour.  I lined the top rim of the pots with painter's tape in order to get a clean line when I painted the top half of the pot.  I found that setting the pot upside down was the easiest way to paint it.

All said and done, these super cute gift ideas cost $10.49.

  1. Clay pot and drain - $6
  2. Poinsettia - $3.50 (on sale).  I was lucky enough to find two nice plants among many dried out and dead ones.
  3. Colored Chalk - $.99
  4. Chalkboard Paint - HAD
I set each Poinsettia on the desks of the receivers (as shown above) before they arrived to work.  So this is exactly what they saw when they turned the corners to enter their cubicles. 

On each pot I drew an x-mas tree and snowflake, and wrote, "Merry X-Mas.  Love, Rachel."

My boss has a young daughter who she said was going to love this idea.  She also grows lots of herbs in the summer time -- and this is perfect for just that.   Also, my co-worker is a wonderful gardener so this gift idea will surely come in handy for her.

This is a great gift idea for any time of year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday, Ray!!! You really do deserve the award and we're happy that we could give you a bday gift (and we didn't even know!). Can't wait to see what you have goin' on for 2011!!!

    your friends,
    koco & viking


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