Nov 20, 2010

Phrase Art

I picked up about six of these picture frames guessed it, a thrift store that is right here in Newtown.  They were a $1 each and I think they may have been used for a shower or wedding as table numbers.  Anyhow, I used a couple of them as small gifts for friends.  A simple photo in a frame is a nice and inexpensive way to show someone you're thinking about them.  I temporarily placed the remaining three frames on a shelf until I had an idea for what to put in them. 
These are the frames when I bought them
Friends and family kept asking, "What do the numbers stand for?"  So I decided to do something fun with the frames so that visitors wouldn't wonder any longer.

I thought it would be different to put puzzle phrases into the frames.  The first thing I did was perform a Google search for existing puzzle images. 

Then, of the phrases that I found I recreated the ones I liked the most in Microsoft Word.  It doesn't get any easier then this.  A three-year-old could do this!   

Because the frames will reside in the guest bedroom for now I chose to stick with black and white.  You can get as creative as you'd like by adding pops of color or different background colors.
I re-created (even came up with my very own) about seven different phrases- I was having too much fun! 

Can you figure out the phrases?

This is the puzzle phrase I came up with all on my lonesome.  Isn't it cute?


  1. Cute! I love puzzles.
    You are one in a million.
    Just between you and me.
    Forgive and forget.

    Love the forgive and forget!

  2. Thanks Katie!

    And thanks for stopping by my blog :)


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