Nov 13, 2010

Decorating a Credenza Top

Now that the picture collage is hung and done, I can focus my energy on finishing decorating the top of my credenza.  My part of the credenza is completed.  I primed, painted, re-painted, spray painted and stenciled this piece of furniture until I was blue in the face.  When I write the full tutorial on my completed DIY credenza project I'll be sure to give you the down low on all the trials and errors I encountered.  The last part to this DIY project, our friend Steve's part, is to finish building the custom doors. 

Steve is a dear friend, a handy man extraordinare and a carpenter, pictured here [and single...I'm just sayin'], who offered to build custom doors for my credenza.  Steve was up for a challenge and I really wanted to add some UMPH to this piece so it worked out perfectly.  It'll be even more perfect once they're finished.  But you know how it is, when a friend offers to do you a favor, at no charge, you can't really put a deadline to these things.  So, once I get the doors I will share the full credenza makeover tutorial.

Before I move on from the custom door subject, I want to show you a sneak peek of the drawings Steve sent me:


I like the door on the left.  What do you think?  The plan is to insert glass panels behind the wood design and install lighting inside the credenza.  I'm so excited just talking about it. 

O.k., let's get back to the fun stuff- decorating!  Although I only have two doors on the credenza, I couldn't justify letting it just sit in our garage any longer- so I brought it inside (for good) once the picture collage was completed.  I've envisioned having a chic credenza under a wall collage of unique images with retro lamps and fun accessories in our living room before we even settled on our townhouse.  And it's finally a reality! 

Here are some images I took of the new living room space:

This shot exhibits the hand painted peacock feathers I added on top of the credenza.  My little sis hates the feathers- is she crazy?  Thoughts?

Fresh flowers.  Ahh.  I love to integrate flowers into my rooms and I try to buy them frequently to keep around the house.  I'm slightly addicted to teeny vases like the one shown above.  I love how they look in rows of three on window sills, mantels, tables or anywhere really.  I bought the silver vase above in a set of three for $.50 each at a thrift shop.  I aslo have three white ones and three glass ones also picked up at second hand shops- can't get enough.

I've been saving wine corks for months.  It drove Rob kinda nuts but I knew they'd come in good use sooner or later.  Putting the corks into the glass hurricane added nice color and texture to the mix.
Rob was searching online for a decanter and attemped to order several, including the Crate and Barel Mirabel Decanter priced at $39.95 shown above. I was angry at the fact that he was willing to spend that much money. Has he forgotten about our "not-so-kick-ass" budget? I kept reminding him that I'd find one at a trift store for pennies. And just a short week later I scored our decanter for $2.50. Patience is key.

Gotta give it to him, the idea for the decanter was all Rob's.  I recently realized how many good ideas Rob has suggested and implemented.  That makes me happy.  O.k., so now that I gave him some credit I'll tell you that the execution and idea for the silver tray was by yours truly. 
Image Details:
  • Decanter:  thrift store; $2.50
  • Silver Tray:  Crate and Barel; shower gift
  • Flower Vase:  thrift store; $1.00
  • Votive:  Walmart; $.75
  • Glasses & Spirits:  had

Ferns are my fav.  I bought one at the beginning of the summer and it grew beautifully.  I've been trying to use the leaves as much as possible before the frost comes and kills them.  I love how the leaves look in small vases.

Bare with me here...I couldn't control myself from taking so many pictures.  I think the apple green, pretty pinks and pop of yellow is so gorgeous. 

I included this image because it gives you a glimpse of the credenza.  Those doors will be replaced with custom ones.

And before I wrap this up, I think I should talk about my green apple colored lamps for a moment.  I love those lamps!  I wanted lamps that were this exact green and the inspiration for this came from a pillow I purchased shown here.  Once I got the lamps home I stared at them for a bit and thought about how lucky I was to have snatched them up- come on, they rock!  And hello, they're kinda Jonathan Adler looking...but I like my green better, no offense Jonathan :)  

Jonathan Adler capri bottle lamp; $275
Also, I popped into Lowe's this week on my way home from work to pick up a can of Valspar Summer Leaf spray paint.  I thought this color, by the looks of the cap [I know, bad to assume], may create the color I was going for.
The plan was to spray paint these lamps and give them a makeover to put on the credenza.  Well, after Lowe's that night I popped into HomeGoods which is when I scored the green apple lamps.  Totally meant to be.  I was bummed I had just bought the green spray paint but the color seems cool so I'll be sure to use it for something else.  And as for the lamps, I have a different plan for them now...master bedroom.

And finally, I'll end by letting you in on a little secret...check out the price tag on my gorgeous green apple lamps from HomeGoods:

I KNOW!!!! 

I know, I hate me!  I got the deal of a lifetime- still can't believe it.  I have no idea why they were so cheap.  Some things are meant to be.  I feel like alot of the items in our home are like that.  I love my home.  I LOVE HOMEGOODS!

This project is partying with the best of them at:


  1. ...and I love this "Decorating a Credenza top!" You are very inspiring and talanted. Thank yo for sharing!

  2. SUPER jealous of the $13 lamps. Awesome, and I love the feathers :)

  3. Don't you just love Marshalls? I always find some bargains there. I actually went there today and bought some Christmas gifts - I just love how much I get for my money.

    Thank you for your visit on my blog. I'm glad you like it.. I really enjoy yours as well


  4. I love your credenza, and also the photo display you have behind it. It looks like a completed section of the house! Feel good about that, because it can be a happy spot when the rest of your house feels incomplete. Thanks for sharing your link with me:)

  5. Thanks for your comment yesterday! Your home is gorgeous, and I'm looking forward to exploring your blog more!

    These are indeed the same lamps as my credenza lamp, but you got a better deal than I did! Jealous.


Your comments are super encouraging and so much fun to read. Thank you for stopping by!