Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

The sun is beginning to set and soon all the trick-or-treaters will be out and about.  I love seeing all the costumes and the reactions on people's faces when our chubby bulldog, Roxy, goes wobbling out the front door to greet them.  Roxy is going to be a troll, which is what she was last year too, and it's such a riot.

Our neighbor had a Halloween party last night and I'm very happy to tell you that Rob won the 1st place prize for Best Costume.  I was so excited Rob won because he NEVER gets into costume.  Also, the costume was my idea and we made it ourselves - so that was cool too.  Originally, Rob was going to throw a sheet over his head and be a ghost...how freaking boring is that?  Right?  Anyhow, I convinced him to be Edward Scissorhands - and taking a look at a couple images of Edward was all it took. 

I scowered through the racks and bins at a couple local thrift stores to find what I needed for our costumes.  Luckily, I found most of the props at the thrift shops.  However, I did require a trip to Joann Fabrics and a Halloween store. 

Check us out...how cute is Roxy!  She's special. 

Detail is everything and execution is no joke. I printed out pictures
of Edward so we could mirror his character as best as possible.
Rob has the perfect Edward body shape too!

This is my sister and I. Check out her wind blown make-up job.

For never really being into dressing up for Halloween, I think we did pretty good.  And Rob's 1st place prize is proof that he killed the competiton.   He's already throwing around ideas for next year's costume.
I hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had fun. the scissorhands costume is great!


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